SUNDAYS March 2 - April 27, 2025* (*no workshop Mar 23, Apr 20)

3:30pm - 5:30pm

Guelph Youth Dance Studios 42 Quebec St, Guelph, ON N1H 2T4


$250 pre-register for 7-week series
$45 single workshop (only available for first 4 workshops)


Dancing Together – The Axis Syllabus© in Guelph

In this workshop series, we will explore what it means to Dance Together. Using the Axis Syllabus© ️we will enhance our understanding of our individual parts and how they move together on the inside. Building connection with the inner world of our anatomy and biomechanics, we will also bring our moving parts into relationship and collaboration with forces of influence and other bodies, together in spacetime, with music. All are welcome.

“The Axis Syllabus© is a repository of useful information concerning the use, preparation, treatment, structure, function, limitation and potential of the human body in motion. The Axis Syllabus© is a sincere support for a collective effort towards individual health sovereignty. The AS is constantly reviewed, edited, updated and monitored for health and welfare veracity and utility. The AS is not intended to instruct, but to inform, in the understanding that the only kind of consent is informed and in the recognition and respect for consent as the modern moral orientation for all social interaction.

The Axis Syllabus Research Meshwork’s mission is an anti-authoritarian, humanitarian effort to bring fundamental knowledge about the body to everyone, to decentralise expertise, empowering each to be proactive in the defence of their own health. Our mission transcends petty prejudices, whether biological, ideological or political.”
~ Frey Faust

more about The Axis Syllabus© here: